Jorge Serrão: Reunião entre Fux e Pacheco não manda recado nenhum para Bolsonaro

Jorge Serrão: Reunião entre Fux e Pacheco não manda recado nenhum para Bolsonaro


Jorge Serrão analisa como o encontro entre Fux e Pacheco não representa qualquer impacto para Bolsonaro, considerando a normalidade de reuniões deste porte e a péssima capacidade de articulação política do presidente do Senado

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Japan’s Lost Decade, 6 Lessons Learned That May Help The US Economy

Decades ago, Japan’s economy was the envy of the world, ranking first in GNP per capita in the late 1980s. Then, this Asian tiger was brought to its knees for the next decade for a variety of reasons, its economy slowed to a crawl primarily due to the twin “Ds” of debt and deflation, never to regain its previous stature. Many economists are wondering if the United States is in the midst of a similar “lost decade,” and they are scrambling to study the slowing of Japan’s growth in the 1990s in search of lessons that could…

What Do You Really Know About Macro Global Economics?

The other day, I got into a rather interesting conversation with an acquaintance about the reality of macro-economics. Specifically the new complexities garnered due to emerging nations becoming power houses without ever fully emerging. Yes, in this discussion no doubt I had China in mind, and perhaps India to follow and how all that compared to the other BRIC nations, as well as countries like Mexico and their emerging global reach.

The Advantages of Recycling for the City of London

Recycling is the treating of waste used materials into new goods. The benefits include less fresh materials being required and possible useful materials are not thrown-away. For a recycling program to function efficiently there needs to be a large on-going supply of recyclable material. Many countries now operate obligatory collection laws that determine targets that cities must achieve frequently in the form of a proportion of material that must be diverted from the city’s waste. Some people question whether recycling is economically efficient and the focus of many recycling programs in industry is understandably cost-effectiveness. One dilemma is that most products are not designed with recycling in mind. As energy costs go up, industry may come to appreciate that long-term planning should include recycling. As the UK, in common with most industrial countries, is trying to recover from a double dip recession, the time has come to increase recycling. London is playing its part.

Why Does Our Federal Government Spend a Trillion Dollars a Year in Excess of What It Takes In?

You may not realize this but the reason that our founding fathers created the federal government was to pool the resources of the states for a common defense. That’s right the primary goal of the federal government is to protect the American people from enemies both foreign and domestic. It is amazing that our current president claims to be a constitutional scholar with a law degree. Why that amazes me is because he doesn’t appear to understand the basic tenants of the document itself.

What Is Trickle Down Government?

During the first Presidential Debates of 2012 hosted on October 3, 2012 Governor Mitt Romney challenged President Barack Obama on his various investments in companies like Solyndra, stating that the government ought to support research and development but not choose the winners and losers, or in this case as one of his friends called it; “choosing the losers” because so many of the guaranteed loans for alternative energy had failed, and $90 billion dollars of taxpayers money had been wasted on failed energy projects. It’s hard to say if Governor Romney had coined the phrase, but it was very politically expedient when he used it during the debate; “trickle down government” and it fit his explanation very well.

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