Home Vídeos News Jorge Serrão: Simone Tebet é a piada do século em termos de candidatura política

Jorge Serrão: Simone Tebet é a piada do século em termos de candidatura política

by Infonew
Jorge Serrão: Simone Tebet é a piada do século em termos de candidatura política

Jorge Serrão especula como a popularidade de Bolsonaro pode ser ainda maior do que mostram as pesquisas, sendo o argumento de campanha eleitoral antecipada totalmente descartável, e endossa como a candidatura de Simone Tebet é um grande fracasso político diante do cenário da polarização entre Lula e Bolsonaro.

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Summary of the Economic History of Argentina

Argentina has had a long and troubled history, this turbulent past has had a large impact on the economic current and historical economic status of the country. In order to understand the now, we need to know the past. Here is a brief summary of the economic past of Argentina.

The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill’s Effect on the Shrimp Industry

Much has been made about the effects the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have had on the fishing and shrimping industry in the Gulf Coastal area. However, many people are still unaware of just how extensive the damage is, or the implications it may have on the industry in the future. Many believe that the future of shrimp harvesting in the Gulf region may be in serious jeopardy.

Economic Concepts – Current and Future Costs of Interventionism

The economic concept of opportunity cost is, in the opinion of this author, one of the most versatile principles in the whole universe of thought. The concept is applicable to every action taken by a rational being living in our time continuum. The concept can be applied to policies and their consequences, and the costs can be assessed for both the intended and unintended participants.

Doing Business – How Africa Encourages the Informal Economy

It takes less than ten minutes to approve certain documents towards starting a new business in New Zealand. At most, it takes a day to get a business approved to open its doors to customers. And all the procedures are combined into a single step. But to move to Africa? It takes 136 days to get approval to start a new business in Equatorial Guinea.

Solving the Global Retirement Problems

Daily, we have become accustomed to reading about the many challenges America faces as a nation. It has unemployment problems, runaway federal deficit, real estate depression, health care crises and senior citizens that live longer. Yes, many see people living longer as a problem because we still operate industrial age economics with its archaic retirement system for a knowledge century. The world needs a new model on retirement that captures that work has become more knowledge dependent, than labor intensive.

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