Julia Zanatta ressalta as diferenças de Santa Catarina com os outros estados, principalmente quanto à resiliência para sair de crises e em relação à segurança pública, e afirma que a população do estado elegeria Bolsonaro já no 1º turno.
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Government Employees Are Next in the Firing Line
Efficiency savings, cutting back of bureaucracy and reform of public services are just some of the phrases used by politicians to avoid actually spelling out the truth about jobs. A huge number of Government Employees are about to discover that they will very soon join the thousands of people in the building industry and financial services who were denied access to Income protection and Mortgage Protection Insurance because their jobs are at risk.
Local Governments Court Big Businesses to Bring in Tax Bases Though Economic DevelopmentWhen hundreds or even thousands of employees are brought in to work in a new production facility the entire city benefits from the boom in industry. When city governments go after businesses to encourage them to move into the area they often have to compete with other cities and regional partnerships for a bid on the areas land uses.