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Klara Castanho: Coren vai investigar informações

by Infonew
Klara Castanho: Coren vai investigar informações

O Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (Cofen) e o Conselho Regional de Enfermagem de São Paulo (Coren-SP) anunciaram neste domingo (26) que vão apurar a denúncia da atriz Klara Castanho de uma enfermeira teria a abordado e ameaçado divulgar para a imprensa informações sobre a entrega para adoção de bebê fruto de um estupro.

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Jobless Rates Soar to a 13 Year High

Unemployment in Britain hit its highest rate since 1996 in the three months to June, official figures showed on Wednesday, while the number of people claiming jobless benefit rose broadly as expected in July. The Office for National Statistics said the ILO jobless rate rose to 7.8 percent in April-June, above forecasts for a rise to 7.7 percent and the highest since Oct-Dec 1996. The number of people without a job on this measure rose to 2.435 million, its highest since 1996.

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Everyone has felt its impact. When it began, we all felt as if it would be eternity but now individuals, small businesses and big companies are putting themselves together and looking forward for good times in the near future.

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