Em meio à acusação feita ao PT sobre fechamento de igrejas e perseguição religiosa contra evangélicos, e a associação feita de Guilherme de Pádua a Bolsonaro, a bancada debate até que ponto a religião pode ser um fator político determinante para as eleições deste ano.
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Does Bailing Out Banks Help Homeowners in Foreclosure Or Stabilize the Economy?
Despite all of the outcries from homeowners about the foreclosure crisis, the only ones who have been bailed out so far are the banks that made these poor loans. People suffering from rising interest rates and financial hardships have been offered nothing but more of the same dressed up in fancy new government program names. Even these are only voluntary for a small number of banks to participate in, though, leaving the majority of homeowners to fend for themselves.
MPC Holds Interest RatesThe Bank of England’s monetary policy committee (MPC) has opted to leave interest rates unchanged for the remainder of this month, it has emerged. Standing at 5.25 per cent, the base rate of interest attached to mortgages, loans and other forms of borrowing is to stay consistent until the MPC’s next meeting in early April.