Home Nacionais e Internacionais Lula agora diz que sindicatos devem impedir “ganância do empresário”

Lula agora diz que sindicatos devem impedir “ganância do empresário”

by Infonew
Lula agora diz que sindicatos devem impedir "ganância do empresário"

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Progressivism Isn’t Progress, IX

If the progressives get their way, your efforts to do your best will not only be unappreciated, they’ll be opposed. The mass victim mentality that will dominate the society will replace “Be all you can be” with “Who do you think you are?”… “Work hard to get ahead” with “Why do you think you can have something I don’t have?”… and “It’s important to make a good impression” with “Why are you trying to make the rest of us look bad?” When “fairness” reigns, personal excellence will become a bad thing….

Why You Should Consider Studying Economics

The field of economics has drawn increasing attention in recent years. There are many reasons students are becoming more interested in learning more about the subject.

Sustainability and Ancient Wisdom

Perhaps you are familiar with the type of round coin or charm with a square hole in the center that has been used in China for over two thousand years. It represents the rounded heaven circumscribing the square earth and, more importantly, a set of rational and moral principles that helped the ancient Chinese interpret their lives.

Should The Federal Reserve System Be Abolished? If So, What Monetary System Should Take Its Place?

The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) held a writing competition asking these two questions, and this essay is my entry. In it, I explain why it is necessary for us to abolish or severely rein in the Federal Reserve, and what “money” we should use instead of our deflating fiat dollars.

Sovereign Debt Problems – United States Or Europe, Who Is Worse Off?

Recently Standard and Poor’s downgraded 9 European countries including the number two EU member France. For now, it seems the number one EU economy Germany is off the hook. There are six euro zone countries that currently have equal or greater debt to GDP ratios than the United States. Greece and Italy currently have higher GDP ratios while Ireland and Portugal are just about the same as the United States. Currently the United States is at 100% debt to GDP.

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