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Lula estuda mudar lei de drogas para reduzir encarceramento, diz site

by Infonew
Lula estuda mudar lei de drogas para reduzir encarceramento, diz site

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Study of Man in the Ordinary Business of Life

Due to economic slow-down through out the world, the various governments in various countries of the world have been managing the economy through various packages. In India too the deputy chairman planning commission announced various measures to avoid the effects global slow down on India. Recession includes the reversal in the economic growth rates over a period of time. Due to which the demand falls and ultimately leads to unemployment. For example many companies cut jobs in the recent past, which includes the U.S. based Citibank too. Thus we have been managing our resources to satisfy our wants. This article narrates the story of economics.

Cash For Clunkers – Proposed Federal Vehicle Scrap Program

This is part of the new economic stimulus package being submitted this January. This program would provide tax credits for people who want to take their old cars to the scrapper leaving the used and older car buying public a decrease in options and this clearly will not help the sales of the Big Three either. Read more about this issue and do something about it!

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