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Lula fracassa como cabo eleitoral em estados-chave

by Infonew
Lula fracassa como cabo eleitoral em estados-chave

Confira íntegra: https://youtu.be/Us9Al_M9Gb8

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Don’t Worry – New Jobs Are on the Way

Over the past several weeks, the president-elect has been talking about a financial stimulus package to help the economy get back on its feet. He recently revealed a key element of this package, a massive undertaking of the federal government the form of a public works program that will rival the construction of the interstate highway system back in the 50s.

Oil Exporting Nations in Trouble With the Mass Production of Chinese Hybrids

Everyone is now talking about the new Chinese Hybrid which can travel 100 Km or 62 miles on the battery alone. Now fast forward 5-years when there are 15 million of these things sold in the US? If everyone is driving a Chinese Hybrid many consumers will not need gasoline, well not often. This will collapse the gasoline market and the need for imported oil, will be drastically reduced. In this scenario one has to ask; how will OPEC survive?

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