
Lula fala sobre Ucrânia, Bolsonaro e democracia na capa da Time. Ministro da Defesa se encontra com presidente do STF: ‘Forças Armadas estão comprometidas com a democracia’. Moraes determina multa de R$ 405 mil a Daniel Silveira. CPI da Câmara Municipal de SP é interrompida após vereador dizer frase racista no microfone: ‘É coisa de preto, né?’. Brasil fica em 110º lugar em ranking mundial de liberdade de imprensa. Morte de Paulo Gustavo completa 1 ano.

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New Production Arrangements and Greater Popularization of Science

New arrangements emerging to a new production chain based on applied science. But for that, there is still a need for the greater popularization of the sciences. How much the biosciences profits Loses annually by lack of popularization? Questions like: how much do biosciences lose annually in knowledge, advancement and income because of the lack of popularity? These issues point to the complexity of the production chain that is being aggravated as we move forward in time. An example of the results of the popularization of science is the increase in the action of biohackers and the potential for innovation in this alternative movement. There are already people through DIY Biohackers editing genes through CRISPR and other techniques at alternative sites. Even carrying out high-level research with this popularization of high-level science. We are still in the generation of this movement, with its own methods, concepts and forms of action in a worldwide network, but with actions already well advanced.

Crisis Mode

Due to foreseen events the world has become a meaner, more hostile place. Trumpism has given credibility to the madness. The lust for power, and wealth by men have always given way to the anguish so many suffer.

Jan Tinbergen

Jan Tinbergen, (born April twelve, 1903, The Hague, Neth. – died June nine, 1994, Netherlands), Dutch economist observed for the development of his of econometric models. He was the cowinner (with Ragnar Frisch) of the very first Nobel Prize for Economics, in 1969.

John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes, (born June five, 1883, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Eng. – died April twenty one, 1946, Firle, Sussex), English economist, journalist, and financier, best known for his economic theories (Keynesian economics) on the sources of too much unemployment. His most significant work, The General Theory of Employment, Money and Interest (1935-36), advocated a treatment for economic recession grounded on a government sponsored policy of total employment.

Friedrich A Hayek

F.A. Hayek, also known as Friedrich A. Hayek, in total Friedrich August von Hayek, (born May eight, 1899, Vienna, Austria – died March twenty three, Germany), Freiburg, 1992, Austrian born British economist noted for the criticisms of his of the Keynesian welfare state and of totalitarian socialism. In 1974 he shared the Nobel Prize for Economics with Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal.

The Origins and Nature of Futurology

Futurology, also, tries to understand and evaluate possible future events. Like Seldon’s psychohistory, science is incorporated by it, founders a little when it is about details and is actually vulnerable to random occasions. Unlike psychohistory, futurology relies just as much on instinct and art as science. As any person who is been to the track, frequented Tomorrowland or even flipped through an old problem of Popular Mechanics are able to let you know, predicting the Future is actually tricky stuff. Lacking a time machine or even a working crystal ball, we sketch inferences from current events and past trends — hence all of the illustrations of individual helicopters.

More’s Utopia

Thomas More (1477 – 1535) published the very first formal utopia. He imagined a complicated, self contained earth established on an island, in which communities shared a typical culture and way of living. More ‘s Utopian society is actually communal. Every family can make a clothes and a trade is learned by everyone. Women are actually viewed as weaker and thus deal in flax and wool, leaving the tougher trades to the males.

Human Type of Crisis 1: The Indebted

Negri and Hardt, quite successfully, have identified four types of people created by the neo-liberal economic crisis. The first type is the Indebted. It is the man who has a lot of debt and is controlled by his/her debts. In USA the indebted as a human type appeared in the 1960s. Because of his debts, man is afraid of losing his job and unable to pay his debts. He constantly works, he feels stressed, guilty and unhappy because he thinks he is responsible for his debts and thus bears full responsibility. Unfortunate and involuntary, he is submerged in misery and isolation.

Thwarted Again?

It is quite apparent that the DNC as well as the most of our political leaders continues to be oblivious to the real crisis facing America today. Not only are they noncommittal to the mounting inequality but are intent in duplicating the travesty of the last Presidential Primary. Need we remind everyone of what happened in New York, Puerto Rico and in so many other states where the DNC purposely committed voter fraud in denying Senator Sanders bid for the nomination.

Classical Economics

Classical economics, English school of economic notion that originated during the late 18th century with Adam Smith and that reached maturity in the works of David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill. The theories of the classical school, which dominated economic believing in Great Britain until approximately 1870, focused on economic freedom and economic growth, stressing laissez faire suggestions and competition that is free.

Economics Based on Keynes

Keynesian economics, body of ideas set forth by John Maynard Keynes in the General Theory of his of Employment, Money and Interest (other works and 1935-36), meant to make a theoretical foundation for government full employment policies. It was the dominant school of macroeconomics and represented the prevailing strategy to economic policy among nearly all Western governments until the 1970s.

The Twilight Zone

In an age of the unexpected where at a moments notice lives are upended, twisted and forever changed could it be that for many have already entered the Twilight Zone? Could it also be that we have reached the Outer Limits of insanity by our governments failure to set in motion policies that would negate all the violence in our public schools? As sobering as the times of today are we should remember a time in the distant past long before all the mayhem we see today.

The Torch Has Been Passed

In all through those years since the late 1960’s the United States has evolved into a nation that ceased to learn from the lessons of the past as to what made America such a the great nation. This was the noble experiment democracy; a republic under God, one nation indivisible that our founding fathers entrusted to future generations. Sad to say that today our founding fathers would look down upon this nation and probably say “What the hell happened?

More Jobs Added, But Unemployment Goes Up? Welcome to Our New Reality

June jobs and unemployment numbers run against each other. The reason – a rising labor force participation. Along with the meager wage increase numbers this may indicate a weaker labor force and economy than what we may have been led to believe. Maybe this is not the time to continue forging ahead with fed rate increases.

Human Rights?

Today, our Republicans in congress and the Trump Administration are quite apt in forging a complete antithesis to the preamble to the Declaration of Independence. For that matter in no other time in our history has there been such an assault on human rights by a Republican run congress and a very ill-equipped President and his cabinet. The continuing debacle that this Administration has made not only here at home and in foreign affairs has made America’s decline in world standing almost irreversible.

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3 EM 1 – 09/05/2022