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Lula na TIME! Veja toda REPERCUSSÃO

Lula na TIME! Veja toda REPERCUSSÃO

O ex-presidente Lula foi destaque na capa da revista norte-americana Time, sob o título de “O segundo ato de Lula”. Atualmente pré-candidato à presidência da República, Lula concedeu entrevista à publicação, na qual falou sobre suas propostas para o Brasil no âmbito social e econômico, tendo citado seus resultados nos governos do passado, com aprovação de mais de 80% da população.

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We The People

Most of the nations troubles stem from our past. The truth is right in front of us if only we would realize what has actually happened. America’s problems can be solved if we pay attention to our history.

The Real State Of the Union

With the onslaught of Global Warming striking destruction, and fear the United States faces ever greater challenges with each passing month. The severity of weather patterns all around the globe has only intensified the urgency that humanity is facing the most crucial point in our history. The forces of denial have already hastened the point of no return.

The Last Days Of America

Are Americas best days behind us? Can we save the United States?

Deception, Treason, And Assassination

In this coming election many ask what does the United States stand for today? The ideals that America was founded on were never before combined..

Why Money Is Failing

Anything invented by man has a short life before it fades away, and money is no exception. Invented for trade and then the wealth of those who made it their god they become so attached that it occupies their mind constantly. That means they have no room for listening to the Spirit voice within them, and they suffer the consequences.

The Failing Of America

In this political season where substance is non existent only words of self embellishment have come forth I can’t help wonder why the media and the general public aren’t asking concerning questions about what our elected officials in government have been and are currently doing in undermining American Democracy. One of the most significant questions that one really should be asking is why hasn’t there been a national outcry over our military involvement in the Mid-East especially Afghanistan like there was during the Viet Nam years? Are we that desensitized as a society to not voice our discontent and outright…

It Was A Very Good Year?

What can be said about this past year? If anything can be said the status-quo has only continued. No authentic progress has been made to combat climate change, the scourge of violence has only continued, the rich have gotten richer while the masses continue to languish in desperation hoping things will change but never do.

China’s Role In Soaring House and Land Prices In Australia

Over the last few years house prices have risen to a level outside of what most Australians can afford. Many with mortgages are now on struggle street as they try to pay off the debt and keep up with other obligations. While some are reaping the benefits of owning one or more homes others are forced onto streets in absolute desperation as the banks reclaim their assets.

If We Only Had Brain

I can’t help thinking about that wonderful song from the “Wizard Of Oz” when the Scarecrow reminisced about “If I only had a brain” in correlation with this coming Presidential election. There are concerning questions that have arisen about the real state of intellectual capacity of the American voting public today. On one hand the Senator Sanders supporters seem to have a fair grasp of the current state of affairs when it comes to curing the may ills of not only our economy but the social ills that have kept America so divided.

Antiquated Antitrust Laws

Major internet companies have too great of an influence on public opinion. Shouldn’t this be of grave concern to us? Our lawmaker need to update our antitrust laws.

Indian Economy: A Looking Back

Lucid steps taken in the last 5 years to make economic policies implementable. The respected prime minister Narendra modi and his team.

Are You Curious About The Hoopla Regarding HEMP CBD?

Are you curious about all the hoopla regarding Hemp CBD? Here’s a minuet part of the enormous information I found when researching Hemp CBD. The financial industry suggests that it’s even more lucrative than the California gold rush that lasted from January 24, 1848 through 1855. A new study done by Forbes suggests that Hemp CBD market could reach 20 Billion Dollars by 2024. The medical community is quietly waiting to see what happens with pharmaceutical aspects of this phenomenon. “A WebMD article says that The U.S. Food and Drug Administration took a good look at the safety and effectiveness of CBD products on Friday, as it weighs how to best regulate the hemp-derived compound going forward.” And retailers are popping up world-wide as this as the cannabinoid industry continues its global explosion with sales.

The Conservative View

The recent election in Great Britain showed the United States what many of us have known all along. The conservative view is well enforced and in play in both countries. It is obvious to one who has half a brain that conservative views equate to the trickle down view of the controlling oligarchy ruling class.

2020 A New Beginning?

With this new year where so many resolutions are made and then broken we would be wise to remember what our lives were like this past decade. For some each ensuing year brought prosperity and good health but for millions the world over remain in desolation hoping that things will be better next year. And, they never are.

The Voice Of The People

It seems that the trouble with politics is that they most often find a way not to govern. When Trump entered the White House I guess he never really knew how to govern and consequently so did other members of congress. The chaotic years since the government of the U.

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