Criticado pelo PSDB, Lula faz afago a FHC e diz que Brasil era mais feliz com polarização entre PT e tucanos. Johnny Depp vence processo de difamação contra Amber Heard. Tarcísio não descarta Skaf como vice e diz que vacinação ‘será uma cultura’ a partir de agora. Castro se compromete a entregar plano contra mortes em ações policiais.
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Moving My Money
It felt really good going into Wells Fargo and telling them I am moving my money from them to a credit union. That’s the “politically satisfying” part. Of course I told this profound thing to a 29 year old “executive” who didn’t give a flip and was maybe even sympathetic, but I assume she will pass it up the management communication chain.
What Causes Inflation?The term Inflation refers to as when the purchasing power of a nation falls due to a rise in overall prices, it decreases the value of money and makes it more expensive to buy goods and services. Inflation is a normal economic phenomenon that should happen at a pre-determined speed anything above that should be a cause of concern. CPI or consumer price index is the most common gauge of inflation which measure the price increase and decrease of basic goods and services.