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Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan:

Unraveling Of Economic Ties With Russia and the Western World Will Take Work and Cause Chaos

Well, we seem to have some parallels in history which are fairly unfortunate, and something that most people don’t want to talk about it. That is to say the Russian takeover of Crimea, and perhaps the Ukraine as well, and the parallel being that little deal that Chamberlain had made with Adolf Hitler, and everyone knows we don’t want a repeat of any sort of history like that. Of course, this gives all the academics, State Department, Council on Foreign Relations, and diplomats something to do and talk about. It’s all the buzz at the UN as you’d expect.

The Great Divide Just Gets Wider

The enormity of the greatest income disparity gap in history continues to displace millions of Americans into a realm of reality far removed from the hopes and dreams of being able to achieve the American Dream. Whose to blame for the economic windfall for the 1% while the rest of us languish in desperation for any crumb to handed down to us by the trickle down theorists? One would think that the U…

Russia Threatens Economic Warfare and Crashing the US Economy – Idle Threat or Reality Check

More and more we find that human wars are not fought on a big battlefield with large armies and loss rations following a mathematical law of attrition. Today, we have wars in the media, cyberspace, stock markets, economic systems, and elsewhere. Not long ago, the Russians made a comment in the global media after John Kerry threatened economic sanctions, they said that they can cause the US economy to collapse. Now then is that so?

Baby Boomers Reject Traditional Retirement

Baby Boomers don’t know what retirement is because the traditional meaning of ‘Retirement’ does not apply to today’s senior population! Many Boomers find it difficult to define what retirement is. Some feel retirement is all about having the luxury of choice in how one spends the day; others think it is merely leaving the ‘workforce’. To others retirement means not having to do anything for money; and yet to others retirement means when you don’t have to work and can focus more on your hobbies and passions.

Food Storage Guide – 3 Items to Stock Up On Now Before They’re Gone

Many people are searching for a food storage guide in order to help them prepare for an emergency situation. However, with so much misinformation on the internet, it’s hard to know what to do. In this article, I’ll discuss 3 items that you need to stock up on now, before it’s too late.

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