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Bad Times and Good Choices – Managing Family Finances During a Repression
Are you getting your daily vitamins, the ones that address the likelihood of depression and dark moods? The aging population searches for elusive answers. Are you ready to deal with the anticipated continuing slide in the economy, in joblessness, in consumer confidence and spending, in reduced possibilities for any near term solutions to this economic morass we find ourselves collectively experiencing? Senior citizens around the country find themselves searching for answers to stretching their financial dollar in these difficult times. Heading off this misery will take more than Pollyanna perspectives. Looking at the bottom line trying to ascertain if there is enough to make it through whatever years remain in retirement is a profile in courage.
To Bail Or Bail – That is the Question For US AutomakersMany believe that we must bailout the US Automakers otherwise their little life boats will sink and with it 2-3 million jobs. Well, may I ask what the US Automakers are doing to keep from sinking themselves? Get out the buckets guys, it’s time to put the union to work bailing out the water filling up the lifeboats. SOS stands for “Save Our Ship” but it also stands for “Sink or Swim” and thus maybe we should be questioning the US Automakers; “Ask not what the taxpayers can do for you; Ask what you can do for the consumers that buy your cars?”