Home Vídeos News Marco Antônio Costa: Ambiente eleitoral deve trazer abertura da constante difamação sobre Bolsonaro

Marco Antônio Costa: Ambiente eleitoral deve trazer abertura da constante difamação sobre Bolsonaro

by Infonew
Marco Antônio Costa: Ambiente eleitoral deve trazer abertura da constante difamação sobre Bolsonaro

Marco Antônio Costa analisa como atualmente o Brasil sofre um processo de assimetria informacional, em que diariamente Bolsonaro é caluniado e difamado, e aponta as expectativas de que o período eleitoral exponha os feitos do governo às camadas que não participam do debate político.

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Managing My Finances – Not to Decide is to Decide!

This is one of those days. This is a day for evaluation and considerable thought. This is a day for making some decisions, not in haste, but deliberately, prudently and emphatically. Harvey Cox, theologian of the 60’s era, declared ‘not to decide is to decide!” So, if anxious about the state of affairs and the shaky economy, it is time to do more than watch and wait.

Will Mere Injection of Money Pull Out the Markets From Current Crisis?

Markets have received a new life via additional liquidity poured by central banks worldwide in recent past. European Central Bank, Bank of England, United States` Federal Reserve and other major central banks are fighting tooth and nail with current financial fiasco. Markets have been rocked by news of problems in banks and funds exposed to risky investments in U.S. mortgage and asset-backed markets, provoking fears of a choking-off of the cheap credit that has been fueling global growth.

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