Marco Antônio Costa explica como o fenômeno da grande mobilização de Bolsonaro nas redes sociais e o pouco gasto com sua campanha eleitoral provocou tentativas patéticas da esquerda de alcançar a mesma popularidade , como o “Lulaverso” e o “Ciro Games”, mas que não serão engolidas pelo povo.
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Market Watch – What Sectors Are Positioned For Growth in Economic Turmoil?
In every swing of the economic pendulum there is always some business that is set to profit from the shift. As we are nearing the end of 2009 there are some market sectors that are going to get hit extremely hard. With a Cap and Trade or otherwise named energy tax coming soon…
UK Employment Figures Stronger Than Expected – Property Prices to Hold UpUK Employment dropped just 0.1% over the summer to end at 72.5. The unemployment rate increased just 30,000 to reach 2.46m. So everything is fine in the UK economy and property markets? Perhaps not.