Marco Antônio Costa: Bronca de Paulinho da Força em Lula mostra preço de ouvir verdades de aliados

Marco Antônio Costa: Bronca de Paulinho da Força em Lula mostra preço de ouvir verdades de aliados


Marco Antônio Costa analisa como a fala de Paulinho da Força dando uma bronca em Lula demonstra que o esquema da esquerda de falar verdades em troca da compra de apoio político, para omitir do povo o compromisso de instaurar-se no poder

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What Went Wrong? What Went Right?

We have just finished the final quarter of the federal fiscal year, during which more than 40% of the federal budget (or $200 billion) was spent with contractors, according to a recent Deltek report. In order to win these contracts, a contractor generally answers a Request for Proposal (RFP) or other contract announcement. Competition is stiff, and the RFP response process is time-consuming and costly.

Teamwork, War, Competition and Win-Win Scenarios

Different situations are described by different theories and require different approaches. In the competitive situation, the point is to maximize one’s own well-being regardless of what it means for the next person; and this situation is described best by classical economics. In the war situation or hostile situation, the point is to maximize one’s own well-being and inflict the maximum harm on the next person.

Economic Issues for Think Tanks and Radio Talk Show Hosts – Capitalism and Socialism

Welcome to today’s talk, on this rather interesting day of October, 22, 2012, yes a Monday, with an interesting stock market roller coaster and the last presidential debate. It appears that the economy is indeed still front and center. As the earnings on Wall Street roll in we see significant headwinds for our economy which will affect the outcome of this election, either a narrow margin of victory for the incumbent or perhaps a surprise loss. Some would say that this economy will be one that affects America’s future, and everyone has their views on how and why.

Giving Your Job the Right Protection

In a market where even the best of skills and experience does not work to guarantee your job, having an assurance of some sort in the event of a layoff is a good idea. This kind of protection comes with layoff plans that allow you to sustain yourself and your family till you find a job once again. When faced with a layoff, the kind of financial pressure you undergo is tremendous.

When Easy Answers Won’t Do

Q: Jobs for the Future recently moved to target its work more tightly around two specific goals for accelerating advancement opportunities, one goal for young people and the other for adults. Why is accelerated advancement so important? ans: As well the research of other people about what it’s going to take for people to get ahead in this economy.

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