Marco Antônio Costa destaca como a total falta de apreço dos ministros do STF pela presidência exercida por Bolsonaro é prejudicial para o Brasil, especialmente com os ataques reforçados pela imprensa militante que rotula negativamente todos que discordam de suas pautas ideológicas.
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We Deserve the Economic Crisis
We deserve the present economic mess. We keep reelecting people who have a quid quo pro arrangement with lobbyists. We don’t participate in elections, content with the status quo. Chris Dodd is an example of giving the lobbyists what they want. Let’s get rid of incumbents, all of them. Global warming is seen with indifference.
Bad Debt Clogs Global Credit Line – American Ingenuity in the Operating RoomWith 1.5 million American households currently facing foreclosure, and 5.5 million more on the verge of succumbing to ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) in 2009-2010, houses especially in once sizzling real estate markets are turning the lives of millions of Americans upside down. With a current 18.4% average decline in home values already in place since June 2006, during which time the home prices were at their peak, many people are now finding themselves paying for a mortgage that’s on average 18.4% more than their current home is worth on the market.