Marco Antônio Costa explica como proposta do governo de reduzir o ICMS sobre os combustíveis e a compensação aos estados é uma solução sustentável do ponto de vista econômico, e critica as narrativas construídas pela esquerda que consideram a medida como irresponsabilidade fiscal.
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Lessons Learned From Toyota’s Bumpy Road to Recovery
I had the unfortunate experience of being the global vice president for a consumer health care business that was hit by a global recall in 2006. Observing the Toyota recall unfold over the past several days has reminded me of the lessons learned from my experience and from other recalls, and how Toyota apparently has not learned from history.
Unemployment Rates Increasing – What’s the Way Out?It seems as if recession is not in a mood to leave. It has arrived predator-like and growling, just as a lion would haunt its area, through around 50% of American households. These influenced households stand on the losing end of a frightening dream.