Home Vídeos News Marco Antônio Costa: Executivo é refém de decisões judiciais que denigrem imagem do governo federal

Marco Antônio Costa: Executivo é refém de decisões judiciais que denigrem imagem do governo federal

by Infonew
Marco Antônio Costa: Executivo é refém de decisões judiciais que denigrem imagem do governo federal

Marco Antônio Costa destaca como Moraes, Fachin e Barroso são as três principais figuras que representam o ativismo constante dentro do STF, politizando qualquer discussão para prejudicar a imagem do governo federal e que deixe o Executivo de mãos atadas.

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Obama’s New Stimulus Package is Worth Almost $900 Billion Dollars – What’s it Worth For You?

The Federal Government has created a new stimulus package worth almost $900 billion dollars in hopes of getting the country on its feet again. Obama’s defense to allowing such a large amount for his plan comes to the fact that the country will be losing a whole lot more if something is not done and soon. There are many items included in this two year plan.

A Leap Into the Unknown – Next Year’s Economy

The root cause of the current crisis is the mismatch between the monetary mass within the global financial system and the amount of assets available for investment. Current government and central bank policies have increased that mass beyond the system’s capacity to absorb it. The probable outcome will be a massive currency crash, which only the implementation of alternative policies could prevent.

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