Home Nacionais e Internacionais Marco Antônio Costa: Lula faz espécie de lacração sobre a situação da guerra na Ucrânia

Marco Antônio Costa: Lula faz espécie de lacração sobre a situação da guerra na Ucrânia

by Infonew
Marco Antônio Costa: Lula faz espécie de lacração sobre a situação da guerra na Ucrânia

Marco Antônio Costa comenta sobre como, apesar de eventuais críticas já feitas a Zelensky, a declaração de Lula culpabilizando-o pela situação de guerra entre a Rússia e a Ucrânia reflete a tentativa do petista de lacrar sem argumentos plausíveis.

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Is Price Gouging Really Evil? Let’s Talk Free-Market Economics for All You Socialists

Have you ever asked yourself what something was worth? The answer in a free-market economy is very simple; something is worth whatever someone else is willing to pay for it. Not anymore, and not any less. If someone charges too much, then others will decide not to buy it, or seek other sellers. People should have the right not to buy something that is too expensive, or the right to buy something they choose to buy if there is a willing seller for whatever that price might be. That’s how free-market economies work.

Zero-Sum Economics – The Story of Life Needs a Better Ending

Your income, your job security, your ability to secure an education for yourself and your children, and your success in the marketplace are all profoundly affected by conditions which, in the absence of a frontier, have acted to eliminate choices for individuals and businesses. What’s wrong? Nothing. This is zero-sum economics.

The Talented and Hard-Working Have Nothing to Fear

“The talented and hard-working have nothing to fear,” according to Dominic Raab, backbench Conservative MP in the UK. In a recent interview on BBC’s HARDtalk he defends his book co-authored with four other Conservative MPs in which a more rightwing course for the Conservative party in the UK is outlined. A leaked fragment from the book stated that “the British are among the worst idlers in the world.

How Economic Created Realities Swing National Political Elections

After looking at the results of the 2012 Presidential elections, I realize President Obama made history once again. You see, he is the first president ever to be reelected while the unemployment figures were over 8% since the great depression. That’s amazing, but I am not sure he deserved to. Okay so, that’s a heavy statement so, let’s talk shall we?

Rating Agencies Didn’t Wait Long After Obama’s Reelection to Threaten On Downgrading US Debt

As the European Union and ECB got into full crisis mode, the rating agencies had no choice but to downgrade the debt of many nations. Not just the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain) but all the rest too. Meanwhile, they started looking at the US debt and considering the GDP-to-Debt ratio. Trust me it is not pretty and unfortunately under the Obama Administration it’s looking even worse. Consider that this Administration, the same one the voters just reelected, has added no less than $5 Trillion in new debt – in only 4-years. That is a staggering by any sense of the imagination, and it is also so irresponsible that one might even ask; what the hell were they thinking.

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