Marco Antônio Costa explica como o manifesto pela democracia da USP ressalta a influência e intimidação geradas pela mentalidade ativista de parlamentares no ambiente docente, que alimenta colocações de uma elite intelectual de esquerda irrelevantes para a sociedade e que ignoram as verdadeiras ameaças à democracia.
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No Bailout For the Insurance Industry
I don’t spend a lot of time analyzing cause and effect relationships in the stock market. Lately, however, I have noticed one fairly predictable correlation. Every time Treasury Secretary Paulson opens his mouth my retirement portfolio declines by another couple of percentage points.
Spiritual EconomicsThe current economic crisis will not be solved by pouring money into the system, nor will it be solved by not supporting businesses facing bankruptcy. What is needed is a renewed view of the purpose of business and economics from a broader, spiritual perspective. We have an opportunity in this crisis to align business processes with good stewardship, the service of real needs and prosperity for all.