Marco Antônio Costa: Pacheco está totalmente dissociado de um debate público honesto


Marco Antônio Costa destaca a fraqueza de Pacheco como presidente do Senado e sua falta de pulso para tomar as rédeas do cenário político em meio ao controle absoluto e irrestrito do STF, que torna legítimas quaisquer dúvidas sobre o processo eleitoral.

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Technological Advancement – Backbone of Banking Industry

Technological advancement, newer financial strategies, customer demands, rising industrial sector, faster breakthroughs has dramatically transformed the banking industry. Now banks are completely accessible by any one from anywhere.

Mexican Central Bank Cut Base Rates

Last week’s news that the central bank of Mexico reduced base rates by 0.5% was initially seen as a sign of weakness with many experts predicting that investors would flee the country with concerns about the short to medium-term economic outlook. However, the situation could not be any different and the reduction in base rates to 4% has actually reinvigorated investor interest in Mexico and given the government a significant shot in the arm as deadlocked reform discussions continue.

Economic Growth in Chile

When you look at Latin America it is the likes of Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, etc who grab the headlines with other countries such as Chile often left in the shadows. However, while economic growth in Brazil and Mexico continues to push forward at a slower rate it was interesting to see that earlier this week it was announced that economic growth in Chile was actually well above expectations.

China Eclipsed the US As the Biggest Trading Nation – Questions to Ask From an Austrian Perspective

Last month one of the Bloomberg’s headline news was titled “China Eclipses the U.S. as Biggest Trading Nation”. Fact are facts. Modern day economists and politicians are forced to accept them but are they posing the right questions when giving the public their ‘so-called solutions?” Following are questions to Bloomberg’s article’s highlights from an Austrian School of Economics perspective.

Brazilian Economy Is Building Momentum

Earlier this month we saw confirmation that the Brazilian economy grew by just 0.9% during 2012 which was well below initial expectations of 4.5% in early 2012. In many ways this was something of a hangover from growth of the previous year and the fact that the ongoing European debt debacle is still continuing. However, there do seem to be signs that the economy is building up yet more momentum although many experts are reluctant to issue forecasts for 2013 at such an early stage.

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