Home Vídeos News Marco Antônio Costa: Quem está no governo Bolsonaro é devido ao vínculo de fidelidade com ele

Marco Antônio Costa: Quem está no governo Bolsonaro é devido ao vínculo de fidelidade com ele

by Infonew
Marco Antônio Costa: Quem está no governo Bolsonaro é devido ao vínculo de fidelidade com ele

Marco Antônio Costa ressalta como a competência é o principal critério de Bolsonaro para a escolha dos membros de seu governo, além da fidelidade com ele e suas pautas, e critica a exploração da mídia sobre o caso Pedro Guimarães e a CPI do MEC para desgastar a imagem do presidente.

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How Could Ghana Benefit From Its Post-High Indebted Poor Country Status (HIPC) With Securitisation

Ghana has achieved high levels of economic growth recently, but the concern has been how to sustain this growth in the long-term. In this article, an attempt was made to reflect and ‘extrapolate’ the macro-economic, investment, and political situations of Ghana to the next 10 years, all things being equal; based on the assumption in a research by the Bank of Ghana on the situation after Ghana’s Highest Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) era, i.e. the period which highlights the cancellation of Ghana’s debt owed to the International Financial institutions (IFIs).

Cutting Back is the New Chic

While there are certainly plenty of Americans struggling to make ends meet, there is also evidence that nearly all Americans have cut back on spending – whether they need to or not. It seems cutting back and do-it-yourself have become the new chic.

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