
No Pânico desta segunda-feira (09), o ex-jogador Mauricio Souza fala sobre sua candidatura política para deputado federal, ressaltando seu apoio a Bolsonaro, e comenta sobre as questões do aborto e a inclusão de atletas trans no esporte

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Assim como o Pânico, o novo Honda City Hatchback prova que é intenso em todos os sentidos.

Communism Misunderstood in America – Part II: Marx, His Personality and Background

To properly visualize Marx’s enormous contribution to humanity and science, it is imperative to learn a bit about his personality and background. Karl Marx (1818-1883) was born in Trier, Germany as the oldest son of a middle-class prosperous Jewish family. During his youth, he suffered the sting of German anti-Semitism and witnessed the hypocrisy of his father, a lawyer, in adapting Christianity for commercial reasons. He was disowned by his mother, an orthodox Jew, upon learning that he has become as atheist.

Why Does Government Intervention Hurt the Economy and Not Provide Jobs?

Some believe that the return of our economy presently and the purported government figures on job growth is a sign that the Obama Administration has done a nice job in getting us out of the recession – that somehow they stellar stewardship has helped build a robust period of positive expansion. Well, did it ever occur to anyone that the economy has recovered in spite of the poor decisions made by the Obama Administration, instead of because of their efforts? Let’s talk shall we?

Laffer Economics: The Long Spiral Into Debt

Laffer economics, like supply side economics, is based on the idea that cutting taxes will provide more money for investments and job creation. That in turn should increase economic growth, resulting in an increase in tax revenue. That hasn’t worked out, but Laffer’s theories have led us to a long slow spiral down into debt and austerity.

Federal Government Policy Makers Only Got “The Coase Theorem” Half Right

Perhaps, you missed it but a famous economist has passed on, he was 102 years old, so he lived a long life, and a fruitful one at that. By many he was misunderstood, but to those in the economist profession, he was considered a mental giant. A whole lot of his ideas have been incorporated into how we manage our economy today here in the US, and also how other countries run theirs as well. Let’s talk.

Is the US Getting Less Innovative When It Comes to Medical Devices?

The number of new medical devices approved by the FDA has shown a steady decline over the last decade, even though there has been a slight recovery in recent years. This article looks at these approval trends to discuss whether the US is getting less innovative when it comes to medical devices.

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