
No Pânico desta segunda-feira (09), o ex-jogador Mauricio Souza fala sobre sua candidatura política para deputado federal, ressaltando seu apoio a Bolsonaro, e comenta sobre as questões do aborto e a inclusão de atletas trans no esporte

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Assim como o Pânico, o novo Honda City Hatchback prova que é intenso em todos os sentidos.

Can Worker Cooperatives Solve The Unemployment Problem?

Worker- coops whereby people combine their skills to run enterprises as worker-owners such as the Mondragon and Argentine models are expanding worldwide. They are potentially a big source of badly needed jobs in the U.S. and they also contribute to social integration and the reduction of poverty.

Personal Interest And Politics

People are attracted by personal interest, whatever they are: consumers, teachers, businessmen, employees, voters, politicians or public officials. Desires of an individual do not change with his movement to another work or job position. Assume that a businessman who has been successful as a director of a large company change workplace and it is appointed as head of a public institution. Can be found in this case any reason to believe that this individual will change its character? Now the work conditions under which the individual work will change, and this of course will be accompanied by some changes in his behavior. Basically it is the same person.

The Extreme Real Costs In Dollars of the Government Shut Down

Well, in October of 2013 the government shut down for failure to produce a budget, and by October 17, 2013 they’d run out of money, and effectively be unable to pay for the things they’d promised to pay. Sound familiar? Yes, Detroit, Argentina, Venezuela, Greece, and Puerto Rico, and well you are beginning to see the picture right? What do all those places have in common? They were run into the ground due to runaway spending, and a socialist mindset. Yes, this is a very important topic, so let’s discuss it shall we?

Rich Bullies Versus Obama Care for the Poor and Underpriviledged

Australians have experienced the same debate as happening now over Obama Care. We were able to achieve Medical Care for all under the Whitlam Government in the early 1970’s when it had control of both houses. The world waits with baited breath for common sense to prevail in the United States and for the bullying against those who will benefit the most from this bill to cease.

Beware The Downward Drag of a Socialist Run Economy

Socialism looks pretty good on paper, I bet many might read all about it and duly sign up. Unfortunately, socialism doesn’t work you see. It certainly won’t work here in the US, in fact, it hasn’t, just as it didn’t work in the EU, Venezuela, Argentina or a host of other nations, now failed. Are we doomed to repeat? I’d like to discuss this with you.

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