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Investment and Growth Opportunities Emerging In Greece

Today’s investors are paying more attention to Greece due to the massive structural overhauls happening within the country. The people of Greece have demanded change and progress for many years, and today they are starting to benefit form those demands. The country is becoming friendlier to business, and many international investors are eager to get involved with the transformation of the country.

Deficit Dropped to 4.1% of GDP in 2013

Further good news for the country is the October jobs report with total non-farm payroll employment rising by 204,000. The 204,000 new jobs for October brought the average job growth over the past 12 months up to 190,000 per month.

Cutting Tax Breaks To Save The Budget

As debate wars on regarding the deficit both sides consider tax breaks and whether to cut specific provisions or not. Though no decision has yet to be reached, the topic continues to gain momentum in the overall concern regarding U.S. economics.

Ireland’s Comeback

After years of fiscal austerity, Ireland is ready to stand on its own two feet. Congratulations are in order.

Economists Who Tout Socialism – Popular With Academia and Left-Leaners, But Far From Reality

Is socialism the answer to the gap between rich and poor? Is it the government’s responsibility to redistribute wealth to shore up this purported inequality? Is un-leveling the playing field the right way to play it? As a Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, Adam Smith economists myself, I say no, and not because I am a free-market fundamentalist, but rather because of my observations competing and producing in the free-market economy (well, as free-market as it is).

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