PF faz operação para prender ex-ministro da Educação e pastores por esquema de liberação de verba. Suplicy interrompe fala e constrange reunião de Lula. Promovida, juíza que impediu aborto de criança estuprada deixa o caso em Santa Catarina. Procuradora é brutalmente agredida por colega em SP após abertura de processo disciplinar contra o agressor. Filha transgênero de Elon Musk vai a tribunal para romper com pai. Júri considera Bill Cosby culpado por abuso sexual de menor de idade nos anos 1970.
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Oncoming Train in the Recession Tunnel
Factors are coming together in the U.S. financial sector and the economy as a whole that bode so ill that nobody should be fooled by any happy talk from the mainstream media or the government. Let’s look at some facts: the economy is continuing to shed jobs at a prodigious rate, and the official unemployment rate of 9.8% is the worst since June of 1983 and is no longer capturing nearly half of the actual jobless, who make up 17% of our population.
Our Economic Times May Be Heading North!Let’s take a look at how the economy is being affected by the times that we are in. People have lost jobs, but there is hope, and some of this hope comes from being able to run an online business, even though rough times may be ahead. This article has been written to help open the awareness of our times.