O ministro da Justiça e Segurança Pública, Anderson Torres, informou em uma rede social nesta quarta-feira (31) que acionou a Polícia Federal para apurar as publicações com críticas a Jair Bolsonaro publicadas no domínio ‘Bolsonaro.com.br’. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/0WCVs8rSuIk
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Federal Reserve Tightens Again Due to Inflation; Expected
The Federal Reserve has once again stair stepped its tightening of the interest rates and will do it a couple of more times or more depending on the expectation of inflation and other factors and we should expect this. Some considered that the Federal Reserve might tighten 50 basis points and they very well could have, yet there is no sense in sticker shocking the stock market.
Refineries in Pennsylvania Flooded Sweet Crude Prices will Hit $75.00Blame it on the weather! The oil prices are just about back up at their all time high again after participating in the stock market rally. Oil Prices are now just shy of their all-time high and this time it was no Hurricane, but rather a pretty wicked mixture of three storms.