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Mistérios da noite – BUBU E AS CORUJINHAS – JP KIDS

by Infonew
Mistérios da noite - BUBU E AS CORUJINHAS - JP KIDS

Mistérios da noite – BUBU E AS CORUJINHAS – JP KIDS
Seja bem-vindo (a) ao canal da Bubu e as Corujinhas – Desenho Infantil Educativo! 💜
Com vídeos semanais, sempre em um novo desenho infantil educativo, contamos as aventuras de Bubu e seus irmãos, Biel (a corujinha de óculos) e Bonie (a caçulinha da família), na floresta de Los Arboles, em um lindo episódio de desenho animado infantil.

As Corujinhas adoram explorar e aprender com os mais variados animais que encontram em suas aventuras, mas sempre com Papai e Mamãe Coruja de olho, prontos para ensinar a seus filhotes sobre as características da floresta e de seus moradores.

Better Ways To Halt Environmentally Damaging Trade

To block trade in illegal foreign goods without hurting U.S. business, Washington should tell importers what it expects them to do. For the amended Lacey Act to work, businesses and the U.S. government are both going to need to adapt.

How To Fix The US Economy With Four Simple Steps

This article proposes steps to fix our economy through changes in FICA taxes, an executive order, and infrastructure investments, selling National Debt Bonds and creating a National Debt Federal Lottery. The FICA fix, National Debt Bonds and the National Debt Federal Lottery will pump money into our economy we can use to create jobs and fix our infrastructure while expanding our tax-base. My hope is to give us some ideas to ponder and start a conversation outside of Congress, which seems unable or unwilling to find solutions that don’t include class warfare or just positioning for the next election.

How To Fix The US Economy With Tax Changes And Spending Cuts

This article proposes steps to fix our economy through changes in taxation and spending cuts. There are valid arguments about whether or not Congress has the Constitutional power to levy an income tax or whether or not the 16th Amendment was actually ratified. We are not going there in this article. All fixes are for job creation, infrastructure improvements and paying our National debt within ten-years. Again, this article is something for America to ponder. Make changes or state your own solutions that we can all ponder if you don’t agree, but please don’t wait for Congress which created these problems by putting their Aristocracy and hunger for power before America’s well-being.

Renewing Limited Government: Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy in the federal government is a little like bad weather: people complain about it, but nobody does anything about it. Jokes aside, the citizenry of the United States, intended to be enlightened and to rule itself, has slowly accepted huge and growing levels of ineffective federal bureacracy as inevitable, much like rain, snow, or high winds. But the time has come for America to see the difference. Bureaucracy can, and must, be limited….

Desperate Times Produce Desperate Thinking

Harvard economist Ken Rogoff warned against using inflation to solve the debt problem, then changed his mind. He was right the first time.

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