Em novo plano, Lula recua de reforma trabalhista. Moraes determina bloqueio de perfis do PCO nas redes sociais. Justiça de Santa Catarina investigará conduta de juíza que negou aborto a menina. Xuxa acusa cantora gospel de homofobia após fala sobre gays: ‘Coisa ridícula’. Federação de natação restringe participação de mulheres transgênero em competições.
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Systemic Risk and Deposit Insurance Premiums
In the wake of the financial crisis, many economists are trying to come up with creative new ways to deal with systemic risk: the risk of a “wholesale bank failure” and failure of the financial system in general. The best way to regulate systemic risk is to use the insurance premiums charged to banks by the FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF).
How an Economical Depression Or Economical Recession is Created and How it Affects YouThe financial world today runs on a different system’s approach as, say, before the Civil War. The old currency system was based on certificates of deposit of such valuables as jewels, gold and silver. The currency that the deposited valuables could support could be a maximum of seven times the value of the valuables on deposit. This magical number depended on the amount of bearers of certificates of deposit that insisted on having the certificates of deposit exchanged for the valuables themselves. The present system of currency, however, is based on debt.