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German Economy Sees a Strong Rebound After Financial Crisis

Among the many European economies that have been hit with a poor outlook when it comes to finances and growth, Germany is finally emerging as a rock solid recession buster that has shown a gain of 3.6% during the past year. The downturn in their economy began in 1990 with reunification. That period in time marked the worst for Germany since World War II. And the economy was plagued by shrinkage to the tune of some 4.7% during 2009.

Government Needs To Change Its Own Health Habits

Obamacare is, at bottom, a wild spending spree. It’s a government land-grab. It’s a transfer of a sixth of the U.S. economy from the job-creating private sector to the wealth-destroying public sector. In a metaphoric sense, Obamacare (having been rammed down the patient’s throat with dubious legislative procedures) is like a cancer on our economy. It’s a glut of carcinogenic taxes and spending, the likes of which have made our government fat, slow, and stupid….

Iran Braces For An End To Subsidies

The populist government of Iran has been pressured into modernizing its economy by phasing out costly subsidies. Although past leaders have been unwilling to withstand the burden that the change in policies will entail, the prospect of crippling sanctions by the West has aligned its leadership in support of a 5 year subsidy reform plan. The reforms will save the country $100 billion USD a year in subsidies, while correcting market distortions, strengthening the middle class and diversifying the country’s economy. This progress however will not come with out challenges, as a rise in costs will likely be followed by inflation.

Rebuilding the US Economy Is Not a Matter of More Economic Shell Games

As the country searches for a solution to our economic meltdown, we must examine deep-rooted causes, not just the events of the past few years. America’s declining competitiveness has been visible for decades to those who were looking, and in the 1980s, both underlying causes and solutions were identified. Most of this year’s pundits and policy-makers focus discussion on the manipulation of funds-stimulus packages, tax revenues, cost-cutting measures-but our country’s former economic greatness came about through the manipulation of technology, not through the manipulation of funds. Understanding the difference between economic-based planning and technology-based planning is key to identifying what we have been doing wrong. And shifting our thinking away from the purely economic-based solutions that have been accepted without question as valid is key to finding real answers to our crisis.

Turkey’s Accession to the EU

Although Turkey’s attempts at accession to the European Union have been replete with hurdles, Turkey has in effect benefited greatly from complying with these requirements. In Turkey’s attempts to gain accession to the EU, it has vastly improved its political and economic institutions. Further requirements for accession, particularly the aquis communautaire, stand to offer Turkey’s institutions the same if not more benefits than other reforms.

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