Claudio Tognolli explica a relação geopolítica entre o aumento do interesse internacional na Amazônia com a ascensão do narcotráfico após a queda do Muro de Berlim, sendo a morte de Pablo Escobar o estopim para a tentativa de legitimar narrativas que sustentem a ideia de que os países não cuidam do meio ambiente.
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Arithmetic of Keynes’s Expectation Theory
‘Expectation’ has central role to play in economics and business. People in the economic world expect something profitable to happen and they gear their actions towards the target they make and wish it to make happen. The economists or the economic agents also expect to achieve some specific targets in the economy and formulate their policies towards the expected targets to be achieved in the future. Every economic model prepared by these experts for actions by economic agents aim to fulfill the well defined expectation at the beginning when the model is introduced.
Canadian Economy Remains StrongThe financial crisis continues to sweep across the globe. The full affects of the continued retrenchment by developing nations such as China and India compounded by the ever growing concerns regarding the depressing of the American consumer are yet to be determined. That being said, Canadian’s should be reminded of the strength and stability of their financial system.