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Project Rebuild: Government Puts $15 Billion Towards Foreclosure Clean-Up
“Project Rebuild” is a $15 billion initiative that will spur construction and foreclosure cleanup job growth. The White House is predicting Project Rebuild will elevate construction industry job growth by resulting in the rehab of literally hundreds of thousands of homes in communities across the United States.
Australian Economy More Than Just ResourcesThe influence of Australia’s mining industry in both economic and political spheres is undeniable, although its role may be less than many think. While mining output currently accounts for 8.7% of Gross Domestic Product, this percentage has actually come down from the 10% it commanded only a decade ago.
Why Do Gulf Coast States Have Lowest Gas Prices?The gasoline market in America is simply one of the most important markets that controls the prices of goods and services produced in every economic sector. Consumers react to higher gasoline prices by consuming less of it. However, like the air we breathe, gasoline is very much a needed resource for everyday Americans.
Will Governments Wait Until Panicked Again Before Acting?As the downturn worsened severely in 2008, governments around the world waited almost too long, but finally jumped in with massive panicked rescue efforts. It was a close call but global economies were pulled back from the brink of a potential global second Great Depression. Global economies are again facing similar problems, and for the first time since 2008, many stock markets are in worsening bear markets, predicting serious economic problems ahead. Yet governments are again doing nothing.
How to Find a Job – Changing Your Own EconomicsMany are asking how to find jobs these days. If you don’t know how to take action you might feel like it’s an impossible task considering the state of the economy. But the answer of how to find jobs is the same whether we are in a good economy or a bad economy. The key is to think outside the box and take action!