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Mulher de Cid Moreira rebate acusações de enteados

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Mulher de Cid Moreira rebate acusações de enteados

A briga pelos bens de Cid Moreira, de 94 anos, ganhou mais um capítulo no Domingo Espetacular deste 31 de julho. Roger Moreira, filho do jornalista, declarou que a madrasta Fátima Sampaio pretende se apropriar dos bens do pai. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/Y_APo2fgH-w

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#Morning Show

How to Survive an Economic Recession in the US

An economic recession is a fact of life and shows the ups and downs of any economy. There are times of great economic growth, and like the opposite, there are times of great economic decline. There are also times of with little change. But during a time of economic recession one does not need to be fearful, but they should be prepared and educated. Here are a few simple starting tips to help you survive an economic recession.

White House – Start Lending Money Now!

White house served notice to banks who received bailout packages to start lending money. It was known that banks did not use the bailout money to lend. They were simply sitting on the cash and only buying out distressed banks.

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