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They Voted – No Caps On Government Spending
On April 14, 2008 the Florida Tax Commission voted against a proposal to establish caps on government spending, or impose a “super-majority” vote when levying new taxes. The presence of angry home and business owners, worried about their soaring property taxes failed to curb the resistance Their insistence, during hours of discussion and testimonies, to rein into the free spending of counties and cities, or to require a majority of two thirds vote for tax raises, had no effect and the resolution will not make it into the next November ballot. Both propositions were defeated in the …
Today’s Mortgage Interest Rates And The Health Of The EconomyWhile the health of the economy has come under attack for the last 7 years, there has really been no reason for it. With interest rates low, and possibly headed lower, the economy may be, actually very good! This article examines interest rates through the last 35 years and the state of the present economy.