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Pânico Retrô (momentos engraçados do Pânico no rádio) :
Conheça o +1 podcast, um programa onde revelamos todos os bastidores do Pânico:

Burgling The Future

Paul Volcker and Richard Ravitch have some smart things to say about government finance. Unfortunately, they have no power to do anything but talk.

The Economics of Free Choice

When Milton Friedman penned his famous book; “Free to Choose” he explained in the most simple terms why you cannot have freedom without free-markets or vice-versa. Even if that was not the central theme, it is as valid today as it was back then. Still, today we have academic socialists who have hijacked such debate, and they are even getting Nobel Prizes [from a socialist nation] for doing so. Let’s talk.

Study Reveals Shortfall of Language Competency in the UK

Discussing the lack of language competency in the UK as studies reveal the UK needs more people to speak the top ten languages for economic reasons. Research shows that less that 25% of the public can converse in another language.

Why It Pays (Literally) To Love Your Children

A strong work ethic and a significant improvement in education — without some asset accumulation like homeownership — cannot close the overall well-being (three-quarters that of Whites) gap for Black Americans. For example, no matter how hard Blacks work or how well educated they become, they cannot close the inequality gap unless they significantly improve their accumulated wealth — home equity, inheritance, savings, stock and other investments. It may also surprise you to find out that because young White families bought their first home, they were able to significantly provide assistance at a crucial stage that advanced…

The Future of Globalisation Is at Risk!

The cover of the 27 July 2006 issue of The Economist magazine showed a large shipwreck stranded on the sand with the caption, The Future of Globalisation, and its lead article referred to the failure among members of the World Trade Organization to reach conclusion on the Doha Development Round that began in November 2001. What The Economist lead article says “When the Middle East is ablaze, oil prices near record highs, the American economy cooling and the climate warming, it is hard to get excited about the beaching of trade talks. After…

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