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“Ninguém discute se houve corrupção” A fala de Gilmar Mendes sobre a Lava Jato

by Infonew
"Ninguém discute se houve corrupção" A fala de Gilmar Mendes sobre a Lava Jato


O ministro Gilmar Mendes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), contestou a declaração do presidente da Corte, ministro Luiz Fux, de que a anulação dos processos derivados da Operação Lava-Jato foi um ato formal e que os erros processuais não apagam os fatos que foram demonstrados nas investigações.

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Bringing Jobs Back

As good as tax credits and new hiring incentives sound, they won’t immediately create or bring back jobs. Corporations and businesses will not hire unless there is a demand for their products and services. Tax credits are only good if they make a profit – if there is no profit, they won’t be paying taxes in the first place. As concerned citizens, what can we do that will help turnaround the economy and will do so with an immediacy that the lawmakers can’t?

Infant Industry

The infant industry argument is used by countries as an economic protectionist measure so that industries (primarily manufacturing) can be protected from other countries’ industries that can produce goods or services cheaper than the country enacting the measure. The measure was first argued in the United States by Alexander Hamilton, the country’s first Treasury secretary. Prior to the American Revolution, Britain had discouraged its colonies from developing their own industry so that Britain could benefit from its own mercantilism. Additionally, strong tariffs would raise capital for the new republic. Friedrich List (1856) used a similar argument in Germany to protect Germany against British industries. John Stuart Mill eventually went on to formalize the argument in economic terms.

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