Home Vídeos News Niu Cursos: Pensadores da Liberdade com Rodrigo Constantino

Niu Cursos: Pensadores da Liberdade com Rodrigo Constantino

by Infonew
Niu Cursos: Pensadores da Liberdade com Rodrigo Constantino

O comentarista Rodrigo Constantino apresenta o curso “Pensadores da Liberdade” da Niu Cursos. Para conhecer a fundo os verdadeiros ensinamentos liberais e conservadores e não cair mais em mentiras de mentes manipuladoras, entre agora mesmo no site https://niucursos.com.br/curso/pensadores-da-liberdade/ e faça o cadastro para assistir a primeira aula grátis e utilize o cupom CONSTA20 com 20% de desconto. Aproveite e siga @niucursos no Instagram para ficar por dentro de todas as novidades.

Economic, Environmental, and Social Alchemy

Current System: “Trash” goes to land-fills; the “guilty” go to prisons: both generally just sit there as the rejects of society and economics. Problem: We don’t re-use 3/4 of our waste and we don’t re-use 3/4 of the manpower of our low-class citizens and inmates. There is very little going on right now to change that besides this program. Solution: Put both of these to use and encourage them start finding a new purpose in material use and life.

Global Warming Means No More Oil From Middle East Needed

Global warming means that the United States can no longer burn oil, fuel or gasoline that comes from other Middle Eastern countries. We are going to stop buying them altogether and these countries will economically collapse forever and be reduced to roaming nomads in the hot deserts as they run out of water and a scorched earth will not produce any agriculture.

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