Home Vídeos News Noblat, Figueiredo e Martinez analisam entrevista de ex-assessor de André Janones no Morning Show

Noblat, Figueiredo e Martinez analisam entrevista de ex-assessor de André Janones no Morning Show

by Infonew
Noblat, Figueiredo e Martinez analisam entrevista de ex-assessor de André Janones no Morning Show

Os comentaristas Guga Noblat, Paulo Figueiredo e Zoe Martinez analisam entrevista do ex-assessor do deputado federal André Janones (Avante-MG), que acusa o parlamentar de praticar rachadinha. Janones trocou acusações com o jornalista Rica Perrone por meio de mensagens no Twitter nesta terça-feira (23), sobre as denúncias. O assessor foi exonerado e não trabalha mais com o deputado. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/g3351sIwSSc

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They say that those who do not pay attention to history are doomed to repeat it. Perhaps that is why more people consider historic crude oil prices and understanding what drove those trends to be very important to the way we run our homes, businesses, and governments. In particular, we can learn lessons from reviewing crude oil pricing of years past and use that data to minimize some of the consumer hardships that were endured at the time.

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