Home Nacionais e Internacionais Nova pesquisa mostra liderança de Lula com 44% das intenções de voto

Nova pesquisa mostra liderança de Lula com 44% das intenções de voto

by Infonew
Nova pesquisa mostra liderança de Lula com 44% das intenções de voto

Em meio ao cerco de manifestantes bolsonaristas em torno do carro de Lula nesta sexta-feira (6), um novo levantamento realizado pela XP/Ipespe mostrou que o petista apresenta 44% das intenções de voto no 1º turno, contra os 31% de Bolsonaro.

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Threapleton Holmes B Talkback

Here is the transcript of a talk (not edited) between a noted broadcaster and a Talking Jellyfish on the planet Threapleton Holmes B. This is the very first ‘airing’ of the chat between two living creatures from different planets.

So Where Do You Stand Socio-Economically?

Not long ago, an acquaintance asked me basically where I stood socio-economically. Well, I am a free-market guy, so capitalism is okay with me, and that doesn’t mean I condone crony capitalism. How do I feel about Keynesian Economic theory, well, I am not too keen on Keynes. Further, I’d say I am the Oxford Dictionary “Liberal” which is not to be confused with a socialist-democrat in the US currently, as it would be noting similar. Our founding fathers were considered “liberal” as in liberty, and the current use of that word in the media certainly wouldn’t be nothing of the sort today.

A Chiseler As Well As A Deadbeat

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The Business Center of the 21st Century

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