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NOVO sabota o Brasil e vai ao STF contra PEC dos Benefícios

by Infonew
NOVO sabota o Brasil e vai ao STF contra PEC dos Benefícios

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Blaming Free Markets – Many Have Decided to Give Government a Try

The free market got us into this mess so it’s time to try something else, even drastic government intervention. At least that is the new conventional wisdom. But the sentiment is wrong in two very vital ways: government intervention in free markets actually created this mess and government intervention since the crisis began has made it worse.

Food Prices During the Great Depression

Food prices of the great depression in the 30s, were somewhat of a paradox, when you look back and consider how everything was so cheap, and, yet, at the same time, way too expensive for many people living through those times. Food prices weren’t so much a problem for those who were employed during the great depression, as they could afford the daily essentials, and, perhaps, some extras, like a movie or ice cream; but, for the unfortunate ones who were unemployed, even the every-day, basic necessities were totally out of reach.

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