Nunes Marques pede vista e suspende julgamento de Allan dos Santos no STF

Nunes Marques pede vista e suspende julgamento de Allan dos Santos no STF


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Is Egypt a Good Credit Risk?

While it is true that capitalism doesn’t work without capital, and all emerging nations need access to the funds needed to grow their civilization, infrastructure, distribution system, economy and banking system – we should still be very wary of exactly what type of capitalism they are talking about. Is it going to be state run capitalism, crony capitalism, or the essence of free-market capitalism? And even when an emerging nation promises us one thing, more often than not those promises are not kept.

Flight to Safety Flows Out of Europe – Yes, How About Out of China Too

With the economic crisis in Europe, we are witnessing the flow of capital out of the EU. Where is it going you ask? Well, it’s going to various places, but much of it is coming to the US as a safe haven. Of course, the slowdown in Europe has also caused the US to be around 1% GDP growth, instead of the 3% we’d hoped for at this point. Further, the economic slowdown has severely impacted the Chinese manufacturing sector, they lost a major market, and this is putting a damper on their 10% year-over-year growth goals, and sending shockwaves through their economy.

Freedom Without Responsibility Won’t Work

In society today we are concerned about the national debt. While that is a problem, 10% of that debt at least comes from the irresponsibility of our citizens. In this article is outlined how 12 items of personal irresponsibility cost our society over $1.5 Trillion dollars each and every year. We all enjoy the freedoms of this great nation but a growing number of people are giving in to fraud, deceit, and the lack of a disciplined lifestyle that ends up costing us a fortune. We must go back to personal responsibility or the freedoms we hold dear will be gone forever.

What Is The Savings and Loans Crisis?

The story of the Savings and Loans crisis is a two part story. The first consists of the events that brought on the S&L’s trouble, the second part is the events that created the major crisis and cost Americans money. We will take a look at the financial climate that was in place prior and during the crisis. Also we will look at the failed policies that helped turn and financial downturn into a full blown crisis.

Is the Food Stamp Program Causing Increased Food Costs?

In the summer of 2012 the US Midwest saw a rather harsh drought period, and as far as I can tell the worst in about 14-years or so. Plus, it is an El Nino year with hotter water surface temps off the California and Mexico’s Pacific Coast meaning more rain along the coast and less inland, even less in the Midwest.

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