“O Bolsonaro acusou o STF de golpe porque…”

"O Bolsonaro acusou o STF de golpe porque..."


O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) compartilhou em seus grupos de mensagens um artigo do jornalista José Roberto Guzzo, conhecido como J.R. Guzzo, para a Revista Oeste e reproduzido no site Jornal da Cidade Online. O texto de Guzzo sugere que há um golpe em preparação no STF.

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Nigeria’s Hand-To-Mouth Economy

Following the discovery of crude oil within its shores, Nigeria, an agriculturally-endowed nation, abandoned agriculture and relied totally on the revenue from crude oil. Today, the adverse effects of that misadventure are being felt as many of the country’s citizens live from hand to mouth, and the country relies on other countries for its food supplies.

There Have Been Slight Improvements In Secured Loans And Remortgages

Although there have been signs of improvements in secured loans and remortgages, things in the finance line are difficult. We were still in the credit crunch at the start of 2010 and it has been difficult in the lending industry..

The Saga of Changes in India Continues

The things really started moving after the liberalization started, perforce, as a consequence of India’s foreign exchange crises in 1991, when the foreign exchange reserves of this country dipped below the US dollar one billion mark, and India was close to defaulting on loans it had to pay back soon. It pledged part of it reserves of gold held in the Reserve Bank of India and airlifted it to the Bank of England to get an Indian Monetary Fund loan to tide over the crisis. India had foreign exchange to pay for the three weeks of import.

Who Should Get A Tax Break?

You’ve heard them, the talking heads brimming with hidden agendas with the coldness of a robot, on the news telling you the only way to stimulate the economy any further or to bring back jobs is to give the big FAT CATS a break. Big corporations need incentives to reinvest in their companies, in spite of record profits and then, they’ll hire more people and thus solved our economic problems. The scenario seems upside down.If anyone needed help it would be the middle class and “mom and pop” small businesses. Take another look at the so called “trickle down theory”. Maybe, we should consider a “trickle up theory”.

Economic Predictions for 2011 and How to Survive From the Worst

Right now the economy is on a conspiracy spree that threatens to shake up everything from its normal course for everyone. We will discuss what the economic scenario is likely going to be like as predicted by market experts, while we also prepare ourselves for worst among worst. * The economy is expected to slump into yet another recession when the year 2010 comes to an end as per economic predictions for 2011.

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