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Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan:
Inflation – Growth Is Good, The Universe Is Inflating – The Economist Stated?
Boy, I tell you. One thing that really bothers me is when journalist, aka political operatives, hijack the science news for their own accord. Taking a scientific research study, blowing it out of proportion, as big as the universe in some cases and just keep blowing it up bigger and bigger and then use that to somehow suggest a correlation for to some political agenda item. Let’s talk.
The Danger WithinWe would be wise to understand just what George Washington meant in his farewell address. Even back in 1796 Washington new of the dangers that could befall this new nation. Today, those dangers are right at our doorstep.
Move Over South Africa, Here Comes New Powerhouse NigeriaOn the 6th of April 2014, Nigeria announced its re-graded GDP figures which made it supersede South Africa and become Africa’s biggest economy. This comes at a time when the ‘Africa Rising’ narrative is in full swing. While South Africa’s economy has been under performing for some time, Nigeria’s economy has been surging full steam ahead. The article looks at whether this upward revision of Nigeria’s GDP statistics mean anything for the ordinary man in Nigeria and some of the structural challenges facing the Nigerian economy.
Capitalism, An American TravestyIn a Capitalistic economy there has to be a predetermined set of morals in which everybody adheres to. Sad to say that in the United States not everyone adheres to that code or for that matter any other code of morality either. For the past 40 years the base moral fiber of our society has continued to slide down that slippery slope, that proverbial path of degradation and an out right acceptance that morality really doesn’t matter any more.
Transaction Rights: The Necessary Product of Block ChainingIn Bitcoin-like monetary systems, what block chaining essentially collects is not money, but rather transactions: it is transaction rights that essentially depend on chaining blocks, not money creation. So the block-chaining reward is always transaction rights, even if still indistinguishable from actual transactions. This article redesigns the Bitcoin-based system known as Peercoin so, instead of money, total transaction rights become the reward for chaining blocks. The result is the possibility of not only pricing those rights but also resizing them according to this pricing, which alone can reveal their needed resizing. This relative independence of transaction rights as the sellable product of block chaining prevents their monopolization and consequent price abuse, while conversely preserving block-chaining decentralization.