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O que é e o que causou o aumento no número de casos da FLURONA? | JOVEM PAN SAÚDE

by Infonew
O que é e o que causou o aumento no número de casos da FLURONA? | JOVEM PAN SAÚDE

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Economic Impacts of The Christmas Holiday

During Christmas, people buy a number of gifts for their family members. In fact, a greater percentage of sales that is realized in the retail sector come from gifts and foods, which people buy in preparation for the festive season. Last year, the retail sector in the U.S. realized an increase in the number of sales which translated to about 19.2%. In addition to this, there was an increase in the number of employment opportunities. These jobs were mainly created to compensate for the holiday rush demands. Last year, about 768 thousand employees were hired in the U.S.

The UK’s National Debt: A Ticking Time Bomb

In the UK, like many other countries, the government has borrowed at unprecedented levels to try and kick-start the economy. But at a personal level, a similar pattern is emerging regarding personal debt, as individuals borrow record amounts – and the government is depending on this to help the recovery.

Good Reasons to Use Crypto-Currency Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a comparatively new type of currency that has just started to strike the mainstream markets. Critics state that using Bitcoins is unsafe because – They have no authentic value – They are not regulated – They can be used to make illegal transactions. Still all the major market players talk about Bitcoins. Below are some good reasons why it is worth using this crypto currency.

The Unadulterated Gold Coin Standard

I have been pounding the table in favor of the Unadulterated Gold Standard for lo these many years… is it time for a tighter focus, is it time to start pounding the table for the Unadulterated Gold “Coin” standard? The Unadulterated Gold Standard is different from the Classical Gold Standard as practiced in the nineteenth century in that it excludes ‘Fiduciary media’… that is, bank notes in circulation backed by loose promises vs. bank notes backed by physical Gold in the vault, and by Gold Bills of Exchange that mature into Gold in less than 91 days in the portfolio.

Golden Utopia

I have written many articles about Gold, about the Unadulterated Gold Standard, about the components of a Gold based economy. Perhaps it’s time for a bit of a ‘reality check.’ Is the very idea of Gold money, the very idea of honest money in an honest society Utopian?

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