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Poverty, The Real American Crisis
The fast track mobilization of our corporate world has made the United States government synonymous with the giants of industry. It is these giants of industry that have pushed America into the realization that our economy and for the majority of Americas are now faced with third world conditions. With the names of Halliburton, Koch, Texaco, Chevron, Bank American, Wal-Mart and others whose CEO’s control the purse strings of our elected officials is the reality of today.
Cheap Oil’s Winners And LosersOil price cycles produce winners and losers. In the long run, most of us benefit.
Why You Should Be Excited About 2015“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” Helen Keller. I love this time of year.
Normal On The HorizonAn accelerating economy and improving labor market is good. But we can’t call it normal while interest rates stay near zero.
Oil, Nigeria’s Economy And The FutureThis article expresses disappointment at the rulers of Nigeria who have failed to utilize the abundant earnings from oil sales to transform the nation. The youth are encouraged to aspire to assume leadership positions to birth desired change.