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Even As Wages Rise, Do We Still Need To Make Side Money?
For most people who continue to work long and hard to earn a living for a salary, it can get to a point that if they see more money in their paychecks from a higher wage, that it would no longer make a difference to them. This is because most people already have their everyday expenses figured out, and already know what they will have left over without thinking about it. From this thought, it would still be at a point that most people would have to learn how to earn side money.
No GuaranteeIn solitude I hunger for the days of long ago. Where a gentle summer breeze carries me away to a world much different than now. A world filled with peace and tranquility though unrecognizable today.
Iran Stuck in Poverty and UnemploymentThe warning of regime officials, including the four ministers’ letter to Rouhani, are stating the economic disaster that this regime has trapped in. This is the result of a coarse and non-scientific policy that is far from what Iran’s society is in need of.
Deception And Desperate MeasuresToday, there are very few people who truly understand the gravity of how serious the global economy really is. The dangers lurking behind cloaks of deception by the media and the power elite remain hidden from the general public. For millions the world over remain transfixed in hopeless desperation.
Sharing The Wealth of The LandPeople who share some of the wealth and riches with which they are blessed are doing an admirable thing. There are so many people who need help in the world.