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► Contato – linhagemgeekoficial@gmail.com
► Pix da Linhagem: linhagemgeek@gmail.com
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► Edições por Infinity Edge
Contato: team.infinityedge@outlook.com
► Compra e Venda de HQs – @perdigeek
#cdz #SaintSeiya #CavaleirosDoZodiaco
Silver Lining Eroding in Golden Years
► Curso de INGLÊS DEFINITIVO BEWAY: https://edzz.la/C8AAC?a=54202482
► Nossa loja oficial – https://www.lojadalinhagem.com/
► Curso Youtube Sem Aparecer: https://go.hotmart.com/L65352130V
► Contato – linhagemgeekoficial@gmail.com
► Pix da Linhagem: linhagemgeek@gmail.com
► Siga e interaja com a gente no instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linhagemgeek
►Twitter – https://twitter.com/linhagemgeek
►Grupo do Telegram: https://t.me/linhagemgeek
► Comentem os Filmes, Animes e Tokusatsus que vocês gostariam que a gente fizesse vídeo aqui no canal.
► Edições por Infinity Edge
Contato: team.infinityedge@outlook.com
► Compra e Venda de HQs – @perdigeek
#cdz #SaintSeiya #CavaleirosDoZodiaco
Silver Lining Eroding in Golden Years
It wasn’t too long ago that baby boomers thought they had it made. Most worked for many years to be able to retire now and collect their social security and, if fortunate, their pensions. Not so fast.
End the Banking Crisis Forever – Democratise the Banking SystemHuman society has 3 sanctions: the Vote, the Word, the Dollar. The sanction of the Vote and the Word were both, in their own way, largely democratised. However, we have been rather neglectful in the instance of that other sanction, the sanction of the Dollar, the inducement that is money. what would happen if the Nation, not the Banks, owned the nation’s money?