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The Actual Middle Class

This article is a brief description of my own and other young adults’ problems regarding student loan debt. It briefly touches on President Obama’s repayment plans and how they are ineffective for the middle class. Finally, it opens up the question as to who the middle class actually is in America.

5 Things American Seniors Should Be Entitled to

In October, Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen said she’s ‘greatly’ concerned by the existence of inequality between those at the very top compared with the stagnant living standards of the majority. Unfortunately, she didn’t address the seniors, who are at the very bottom of that majority. Here are five essential benefits that a certain class of seniors over the age of 65 should be entitled to. These benefits should be considered rightfully earned privileges given the fact that it was the present-day seniors who built the U.S. to become the number one economic power in the world.

National Economic Reforms Social Security Restoration

Now, that the President has submitted his annual budget with the Republican led congress prepared to go on the attack Social Security is one of the first governmental programs that will face an uncertain future. Many economists argue that on of the best ways to stimulate the economy is to put more money in more peoples hands, in essence the fulfillment of the Williams Theory of Economic Evolution. But, with the Republican mindset lately what they propose is draconian cuts in the programs that affect millions of Americans.

The Drawbacks and Consequences of Being Uninformed!

Studies show that obesity, illness and poverty are on the rise. Unhappiness now is the norm. So what is the cause of our individual decline? Do we enjoy worry? Is this our comfort zone? Does worry give us a reason to not seek goals and dreams? Could this crown of defeatism be our success? And are we hiding in our own self- made prison cells? If so, who holds the key to unlock the prison door? Do we feel safe behind bars because we don’t have to accept owner-ship for the emotional, financial and spiritual chaos facing us each day.

Why Is It Always Up?

The worth of $100 in 1901 is worth $2,690.44 in 2014. What it means: in the United States of America, what you can buy for $2,690.44 in 2014, you could have bought the same goods and services for $100 in 1901. It means that our purchasing power has diminished or the price of goods and services has increased over a period of time. The price of goods and services never comes down except for a brief period. In the long run, the price is always going up, why is it always up?

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