Bolsonaro comenta sobre a operação do STF contra os empresários e como sua repercussão na mídia e entre a esquerda pode ser equiparada à polêmica do indulto que concedeu a Daniel Silveira, explicando como ambos os casos podem ser considerados indícios da iminência da ‘ditadura’ no Brasil.
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THE SEZ’s: The Fire Continues to Burn
The Indian government has approved proposals for 180 special economic zones (SEZs) with an idea that it would invite foreign direct investment, provide jobs, and promote the development of secondary industries to service firms. If SEZs were so beneficial then why this huge protest in many parts of the country. For one thing, many of the approved sites are located on prime agricultural land – leading to complaints that the SEZs are more of a coordinated land grab by the rich than coordinated economic development.
Final War Debts RepaidIt was recently announced that the UK Government were about to repay the last installments of the UK’s war loans from 1945 and 1946. Loans of $4.33 billion and $1.19 billion were lent to the UK Government by the US and Canadian Governments respectfully, to help build the war torn economy of the UK after World War II.